Update on My Book

Hey Everyone,

It’s getting tough trying to get backers for my Kickstarter project. I’ve advertised on Kickstarter and YouTube along with having a Facebook and Twitter account to post updates on. My book is an introduction to poker along with teaching how to successfully play low limit stake cash games, No Limit of course. Any ideas about how to get more backers for the project? I’d love to share my knowledge and love for poker to others.



Kickstarter Book Update

Hey Everyone. The Kickstarter project is going well. I am still trying to get backers so that my project can be fully funded. I just finished finalizing the table of contents so now I know the order of everything. First Up…………Introduction!!!!!

Kickstarter Project Officially Live

no-limit-holdemHey Everyone! My Kickstarter Project is officially live! Here is the URL https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/christianrios/introduction-to-1-3-no-limit-texas-holdem-book Please contribute to my book and help this dream become a reality. Here is some information about it below:

Hello Kickstarter Community. The book that I am writing is called “Introduction to $1/$3 No Limit Texas Hold’em”. I know that there are a lot of poker books out there and most of them either focus on online poker or are extremely basic beginner books. With my book, it is going to give you a quick run down on the basics of poker then lead into the main part of the book which will deal specifically with cash games. A lot of people try to go straight for the big stakes but its important to start at the beginning which is $1/$3. This is the most common game played in both casinos and home games.

With $1/$3, I am going to teach you all the different types of strategies whether you buy in short stack, medium stack, or deep stack. This will cover multiple types of betting patterns and even include how to read your opponent. I wish I could better explain everything that will be in the book but here is a quick rundown:betting, preflop, postflop, flop, turn, river, actions, bluffing, reading your opponent, slow playing, strong betting, lowball, all-ins, and much more.

By contributing to the book, you are being a key part in helping this book come to life. With the raising of these funds, the money gets scattered into several key areas for funding the book. Some will cover the proofreading of the book, printing of paperback and hardcover books, conversion into e-book market, and advertising. The other portion goes to cover Kickstarter’s fees and Amazon Payments fees.

I have already started progress on this book and it is coming together very well. I hope to be done in late August or early September because I want to make sure that everything is perfect. I will be posting frequently to let everyone know how the project is going so you can follow me on Twitter at @IntroPoker or you can visit my website which is where I will also be posting updates at www.intropoker.wordpress.com I hope that you enjoyed reading this and I hope that you will contribute to my book.

Thank you,

Christian Rios

Here is the link again to my Kickstarter project to contribute to Click Here

My Kickstarter Project

Hello Everyone! My Name is Christian Rios and I am writing a book about Poker. The book will be called Introduction to $1/$3 No Limit Texas Hold’em. I am going to be launching a Kickstarter project to help get the book funded. Stay Tuned!

I will be updating this very frequently. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions that you can contact me directly.